Yummy and sunny is going so bad
Puffy and sunny its not too late
A getting in, fleeting in
Already bad
Hold on just a little longer
A little shimmy shake
A little double take
Time is running now
So kiss me
I am alive now
So are you a more
Remember this song how
So kiss me
A little shimmy shake
A little double take
Time is running now
So kiss me
I am alive now
So are you more
Remember this song how
So kiss me
Starting electing
Whenever we meet
Hold on just a sec longer
I am a loose my hair
You might just drop there
The moment slipping by
So kiss me
You might getting very great
I might just fade away
Seeing this just kiss me
The moment is now so
So kiss me
The moment is filliping by
So kiss me
Da du di